COVID-19 Home Medical Monitoring Package

Who is this for?

Home quarantine or diagnosed with a mild case of COVID-19

How does it Benefit me?

  • Up to 75% savings on hospitalization expenses
  • Saves 100% of your commute time
  • Lessens hospital visits by 4 times
  • 24/7 accessibility to doctors during emergencies
  • Effective communication with doctors via video consultation
  • A properly designed treatment plan

What is the Duration?

  • 17 Days as recommended by the Government of India

What is measured?

  • Body temperature
  • Pulse rate
  • Blood oxygen level
  • Respiration rate

For doctors to track vital signs recommended for COVID-19 patients

How does it work?

  • The patient receives a kit with quality medical devices and an app to record your vital signs.
  • Patients’ vital signs are recorded at least thrice a day. Readings are automatically sent to the doctor.
  • The doctor will remotely monitor patients’ condition and will take immediate action if required.
  • The doctor or a healthcare practitioner will call the patient (phone or video) at least once a day to check on them.

What does the Package Include?

Hardware included:

  • Pulse Oximeter (oxygen saturation of the blood)

Hardware included:

  • Thermometer
  • Masks & Gloves 
  • Alcohol Hand Rub – Disinfectant

Services included:

  • Elastic Care Mobile Application to record vitals and connect with your doctor

Services included:

  • Daily check-up call
  • At least one video consultation with the doctor

To Sign-up, Call +91-9850886816 or email